What do we mean by Transcription - Listening to words/talks and writing them down on paper/document.
What is the purpose served by Transcription - Transcription is a dual edged sword : On one hand, we offer our time and skill for some work, say, for a publishing of book from a series of talks/discourses. On the other hand, since the discourses are full of words which are spilling out Light and Truth and Knowledge, it helps to immerse ourselves in this Light of wisdom.
Why should I try transcription ? - If you feel that you have time on your plate, 5 min breathers, 10-20-30 min breathers, or even a longer span of time, in between your daily activities, and if you want to utilise that time fully, then you must try it. So that when the mind rises out of doing transcription, even for a few minutes, it is not a distorted, dull, lethargic, negative mind. It has transformed, listening to the words of Truth and Wisdom.
Where is the mind immersed? - We can observe for ourselves that the mind is swimming in thoughts throughout the day. If they are negative thoughts, they influence my state of being, if they are thoughts of purity, clarity, and wisdom, and aspiration, they influence me in a beneficial way. Would you like to change the waters of where your mind swims? Are you tired of repetitive vicious and negative loops of thoughts? Then, you must give yourself this chance of immersing the mind in good waters. And you will see their purifying effect very soon, for your self.
We have been transcribing talks/discourses of many many teachers and masters since many years, even before Living Light was born. Transcription for us has been a purifying work, detoxifying work, it cleanses the mind, gives purity to thoughts and feelings, and make the mind and life simple and light.
What all do I need to begin? - Access to a Laptop/Computer, Access to internet/Wifi, email or WhatsApp, earphones, and some bits and pieces of time and willingness
Would you like to try it? :-)