What to write about ourselves?
As Rumi has said - Every Story is US.
Whatever we write here will become a thing of the past...
We are dynamic, changing beings, and that which is eternal in us,
always stays as it is. Maybe hidden, but always present.
We are living this mystery called Life
And are amazed and often wonder at its ways.
Our lives with all its drama and happenings have everything
- Pain and Delight, Faith and Doubt,
Greed and Compassion, Smiles and Tears,
Blessings and Tragedies, Comfort and Toil,
Clarity and Confusions, Insights and Blindness…
- All these on the surface, look to be something obvious,
Either good or bad, in my favor or against me,
But if we have by Grace, we can truly see,
The happenings turn out to be
What it does not seem to be.
For those of us experiencing pain, we must tell ourselves - THINGS HAPPEN. There is always a lesson we need to learn.
If we are able to see beyond the happening, we can often see how each blow is a hidden blessing, how each fall is a greater rising,
how each sufferings is a bigger liberation..
And once we accept that this is the way the universe works and this is the way we learn - we get better at even in allowing the mis-happenings.
And if we still hurt, we must see how millions of us suffer.
We must connect with their pain, through our pain.
WE can breathe in the collective pain, and break open ours hearts to embrace all.
We must use our pain well..
Let's try and be less afraid.
What do we have to lose? What can we lose?
And if there is something to be lost, can we open our clenched fists and lose all that we can lose or are afraid to lose.
Lose all - and we will be fine still.
In fact, we will be more authentically ourselves!
And whatever price we have to pay,
whatever price we have paid, is worth it -
if that price has helped us to get closer to our true-selves.
Nothing else matter.