Why crawl when you can fly ~ Anonymous
These sessions are for people who wish to understand and make sense of the happenings in their life, resolve conflicts, and learn to love themselves. Since the past couple of years we have been offering one to one sessions to individuals who wish to make their life an ever evolving journey, transforming life situations by delving deeper within themselves.
The sessions connect us with an ever-present stillness within us in the middle of the seeming chaos, so that we can begin to re-prioritise our life in alignment to our heart. Its interesting to see that without learning to love and understand one’s own self, one cannot have right relationships.
The sessions happen in silence and intimacy and hold the potential to turn life into a never-ending adventure that one looks forward to, each moment.
Common Issues addressed in private sessions:
- Understanding our children and ourselves
- Teenage issues
- Relationship issues
- Fear
- Anger
- Grief
- Confusion
- Change and uncertainty
- Societal discord and issues
- Office politics
- Competition
- Understanding the mind
- Living in joint families and finding your peace
- Tapping into the stillness within amidst chaos
- Tuning within and finding your inner calling
- Learning to live a reflective life
- Understanding, befriending your emotions
- Learning through health challenges
- Unlearning
- Listening to your inner voice